Grace Community School is a National Blue Ribbon Exemplary School, a charter member of the Council on Educational Standards and Accountability (CESA) and has Exemplary Accreditation through the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). At Grace, our mission is to assist Christian parents in educating, equipping, and encouraging their children to influence the world for Christ, or, as we say, to “teach Jesus.” At this beautiful K-12 school of 1,000 students located in the flourishing community of Tyler, Texas 1½ hours east of Dallas, we accomplish our mission by recognizing and promoting several core values, including:
Redemptive community. We serve a God who exists in eternal relationship. The Triune God has always existed in community-as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As image-bearers of God, we are also made for community. We thrive in it; we can only function to the truest extent of who we are when we live together, work together, and do life together. Education is an inherently relational process. It is a form of discipleship, and like all discipleship, the closer and more trusting the relationship, the more effective the educational process. At Grace, we believe that teachers must love and care for their students. When students sense that caring and concern, they respond to it and genuine learning can take place. Teachers work best in an environment where there are strong relationships among the adults in the building.
Educational sanctification. "Sanctification" captures the idea of holiness, to be set apart, completely other from the world. It also connotes the idea of a Holy Spirit-led, continuous process of moving forward, of becoming more in the image of Christ: better, purer, more holy, than we once were. Educational sanctification is the idea that God's Word- the written, revealed Word and the Word made flesh through Jesus Christ- is the foundation of everything that we do as a school. Our policies, our procedures, our practices, our curriculum, our ways of dealing with each other, and everything must proceed from the gospel.
Educational sanctification is also the idea that we will be continually seeking to be better than we once were, by the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. We will ask ourselves the hard questions, challenge the status quo, and be lifetime learners. Educational sanctification means offering an outstanding academic course of study. While the course is challenging, the school works to provide the support necessary so that students can be successful to the greatest extent that God has wired their minds.
"Life as worship.” This value captures the idea set forth by Paul in Romans 12:1, when he encourages Christians to "present your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God; because this is your spiritual act of worship." As followers of Christ, we are called to be God-worshippers, to be restored to that rightful state of being in pure, good and holy relationship with God. As a school, we will continuously and constantly submit everything that we do- whether it be a student's performance on the field, a teacher's lesson in the classroom, or a difficult conversation between principal and parent- to our God as an act of worship. As a school, we will declare the worthiness of God to be praised, and acknowledge His place as the Lord of our lives and the center of the universe. This school, our studies, our performances, our gifts, talents, and resources, are our sacrifices that we will lay daily before Him, for His use and His purposes. Our entire lives and this entire school are entirely at His disposal.
Grace Community School is looking for an outstanding, experienced, high school English teacher who is eager to integrate biblical truth into the content and methods of teaching. This position requires the ability to collaborate with a team and willingness to embrace the core values of the school.
We need passionate people with:
The job entails: